Defining Shiksa

interfaith mariage
Tara and Alex Weiss – an interfaith couple focusing on uniting families and finding common ground.

The Shiksa Files . . . perfecting the art of living together and learning to do it better through family, food, and a few drinks.

Some say Shiksa is a derogatory term for a non-Jewish woman, specifically one who marries a Jewish man, but I’m from New Jersey, so you can be called something much worse switching lanes on the Garden State Parkway or merging into the Holland Tunnel. And that’s what our life is like . . . we bounce around like ping pong balls going back and forth across the Hudson River. This is our journey; the road we are building celebrates both my Italian-American heritage and my husband’s New York City Jewish upbringing.  Yes, sometimes there are Metropolitan Area roadblocks, but we’ve learned we can navigate our way through any obstacle as long as we do it together. We love our family, our dog, food & drinks, travel, photography, and sharing experiences so we can all live our best life possible.

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